emancipation of women

Rabu, 15 September 2010
The enemies of Islam over the centuries have tried destroying the morality of Muslims, because if they managed to damage the morality of mankind, they will easily damage the aqidah ummah. They always make their opinions and a description that (although the ungodly and unbelievers) are the people forward. Moderate Muslims who hold fast to his teachings are the ones who are backward and marginal (edge)!
The enemies of Islam, primarily Jews and Christians-are always looking for ways to keep mankind from religion until aka apostate infidel. He said the time apart and reveal their hearts content in the Qur'an,
"Jews and Christians will not be pleased with you until you follow their religion. Say: 'The guidance of God, that's the clue (which is true)". And the fact if you follow their desires after the knowledge come to thee, And God is no longer a protector and helper for you. " (Surat al-Baqoroh: 120)
Among the objects which they were fighting the most are women. They understand that if a woman is damaged, then the men will be affected. Because the woman is fitna (influence) powerful men in drag in the vices and irregularities. This is what is suppose by the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam, in his saying,
إن الدنيا حلوة خضرة وإن الله مستخلفكم فيها فينظر كيف تعملون فاتقوا الدنيا واتقوا النساء فإن أول فتنة بني إسرائيل كانت في النساء
"Actually it's sweet world again green. Verily Allah has made you a caliph on it, then He will see how you guys do. Because of that, watch out for the world, and watch out for the women, since the beginning of libel (problems) are among the Bani Isra'il in women ". [HR. Adz-Muslims in Dzikr wa Al-Du'a '(no.6883)]
Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam-said:
ما تركت بعدي فتنة أضر على الرجال من النساء
"I did not leave the slander (problems) are greater for men than women after me." [HR. Al-Bukhoriy in An-Nikah (no. 5096), and Muslims in the Adz-Dzikr wa Ad-Du'a '(no. 7880 & 6881)]
Indian Affairs Expert Hadith, Al-Imam Al-Mubarofuriy-may Allaah have mercy-said in explaining the reasons that make women as fitna (test) for the greatest men, "Because human nature often skewed to women, and people into the case of illicit because of women. Human conduct of war and hostility because of the woman. minimal woman pushing someone to love the world. Well, the damage is more dangerous than this (love of the world)? " [See Al-Ahwadziy Tuhfah (7 / 89)]
Women are the biggest test for men that have been recorded in history that some problems arose because the beginning of the women, such as nomadic tribe wars, wars between states, between a breakup with someone else, because the woman. The spread of nasty habits (fornication), because the influence of women. Vilification of women in this age become increasingly rampant and-so with the emancipation of all lines and corners of life. The women had been out of the house of glory and holiness with a turbulent exit toward the abyss destruction and disgrace, so we will not find an office, unless filled by women. We will not find a job, other than line the inside of women who had no shame to us will be accompanied by a cynical laugh with sadness when I saw our women into a display to satisfy the lust of men cursed; a towing storefront and sales; a month -monthly by the Striped-nosed man; a football player and a fighter, so even a wrestler!!? Nursing-home massage parlors and other sinners are also not separated from the woman who becomes the object. It's embarrassing fate of women in this age of emancipation.
Formerly a woman become a man of honor, and maintained in Islam, namely the time of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa-sallam, the Companions, Tabi'in, agen / distributor-Tabi'in and beyond. Look at how God is to glorify the women with a headscarf and veil shari'ah in his words,
"O prophet, say to the wife-wives, daughters and wives of people believers:" Let them out of their garments throughout the body. "So that they might more easily to be recognized, therefore they are not alone. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. " (Surat al-Ahzab: 59)
"And ye shall remain in your house and do not be decorated and behave like the people who once ignorance." (Surat al-Ahzab: 33)
Mukminah women were ordered to remain at home; Women out of the house when there needs to be justified by syara '. Thus in order to maintain the sanctity and honor of a woman, not as a bondage and imprisonment as portrayed and disseminated by people Munafiq in this era. Mukminah women should be patient in order maintain the sanctity of his home melazimi, and shyness. They, too, if left because there was urgent urination, then they come out with courtesy and morality of Islam, which still uses syar'iy hijab and veil that covers her entire body. These are loose-fitting hijab (not tight), and thick (or thin transrapan not), do not invite the attention of men, and does not resemble kaafir women, clothes or men. These are tips that should be done by a Muslim woman to fortify itself from attack and the game infidels. A woman must wear hijab like this. If not, then he will be classified as a woman who had tabarruj (primp) ala ignorance.
Caution: Some Muslim women wear the hijab today a lot. Just a pity that they did not wear the hijab syar'iy. Most of them wore hijab of modern short-, then paired with tight clothing and underwear. This is not the veil of religion advocated by syar'iy, even how to dress like that reprehensible. This is what is termed by the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam, with "dressed, but naked." VEIL SYAR'IY headscarf is a kind of large, long and roomy, it can cover the head, face and chest to be dragged to the ground. Then below it there is a small scarf and long robe garment covering the foot. This is the hijab syar'iy left by Muslim women, except the blessed God-Almighty-. It's strange, but that's what syar'iy!
Dear Readers, If a woman came out of peraduannya and went out looking for work, but still there is a bear of life and his business, then this is where Satan will start the plot and action. Jabir-quoted anhu-said:
أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم رأى امرأة فأتى امرأته زينب وهي تمعس منيئة لها فقضى حاجته ثم خرج إلى أصحابه فقال إن المرأة تقبل في صورة شيطان وتدبر في صورة شيطان فإذا أبصر أحدكم امرأة فليأت أهله فإن ذلك يرد ما في نفسه
"The Messenger sallallaahu alaihi wa-sallam, never saw a woman, then he went to his wife, Zainab was his own leather tanning. He completed his business (berjimak), then went out to his companions as he says," Verily, the woman came in the flesh the devil, and go devil in the flesh. If one of you saw an amazing woman (accidentally, Ed.), Then he should go (berjimak with) his wife, because it will reject something (such as lust) found on him ". [HR. Muslim (no. 3393), Abu Dawood (no.2151), and At-Tirmidziy (no.1158)]
Al-Imam Al-Haqq Syamsul Azhim Abadiy-say-may Allaah have mercy explain and correct understanding of this hadith, "Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam-equate women with the devil in nature waswasah (giving a whisper), and derail people, because seeing women of all Invitor side is toward the damage. " [See Sharh Sunan Abi Aunul Ma'bud David (6/148-149), CET. Dar al-Fikr, 1415 H]
One of the scholars' Syafi'iyyah, Al-Imam An-Nawawiy-may Allaah have mercy, saying, "The scholars said," So, she was similar to the devil in the invite to the ugliness with a whisper and decorating the jewelry against ugliness. Taken a law of this hadith that the proper for a woman not to be out among the men, unless there is urgent urination, and that men should lower his gaze from seeing his clothes, and turned her eyes off him implicitly. "[See Sharh Muslim Shohih (9 / 181)]
Thus the women in the time of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa-sallam-. They were honored by the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa-sallam and his companions. They urged the women to stay at his house in order to maintain the sanctity of his activities. He has not ordered the women out and work outside the home, unless there is urgent urination. For the women out to work around the men would result in many problems as we are witnessing today. The emergence of various social violations in the form of prostitution, adultery, fornication, courtship, affair, split households, murder, war, hostilities, and a row of disobedience. Background because of problems often associated with women. Number of unemployment among men who, in turn, causes many women to be an old maid, and adult males who are single, because the work is "captured" by the women. As a result, thin men of religion who do not choose the back door syar'iy aka haram! Instead of women being single, without a protector and entertainer for him. That's when women could only bite the fingers and dreamily waiting for the dream did not come, because the bags anymore due to the narrowness of poor dry alias jobs filled by women who are milling about like ants around a sugar. Salamah was Nas'alullahal afiyah min fitnatin Nisa '.
Previously, our women decorated with bashfulness. But now just a distant memory since they were deceived by the propaganda of emancipation which menghasung them to get out of the house in search of employment, to compete with men who are under suspicion for those who lie that men have a monopoly, menzhalimi women's rights, and handcuffed the woman dikerangkeng , and various kinds of propaganda and arrows directed at the Muslim lie that seemed to teach his people to menzhalimi women. Though not the case, even Islam upholds the rights of women.
They were very high degrees in Islam. Now since they left clues in his religion, the Muslim woman fell to the lowest degree. Now toyed with honor, and goods made cheap by the lure of cyberspace and more deceptive false praise. The most filthy and despicable conditions in feminist history, women have become "stars" (read: the beast) in TV, magazines, newspapers or tabloids with the appearance of open-fishing openings and animal lust. They are proud of the humiliation and squalor like this. So maraklah devil activity called "PORNO ACTION" and "PORN". More depraved again, there are some people who tried to legitimize the gutter-brained and support programs that depraved and with a variety of excuses when there is a devil wangsit deny it. Na'udzu billah minasya syaithon junudih wa.
That is the reality that happened in our country, there is a group of men carry and fight for the sake of emancipation zhalim destroy the Islamic ummah. They mewahyukannya to friends, and their armies to antagonize the instructions of the prophets. Allah-Ta 'ala-spoken,
"And so we make for every prophet an enemy, the devil-devil (of species) and human (and types), jinn, some of them revealed (whisper) to a party other sayings are beautiful to deceive (men ). If thy Lord willed, they do not do it. So leave them and what they invented. "(Surat al-An'aam: 112)
This is a unek-unek that block the heart of a lover of mankind. Hopefully these simple sentences into a reprimand and warning to all parties in order to alleviate the ummah is in crash into the lap of morality and religion of Islam is full of holiness. Nas'alullahal afiyah was Salamah wa ilaa anyahdiyanaa sawaa'is sabil.

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