Ahlus Sunnnah Wal Jama agreed on the points aqidah

Rabu, 15 September 2010
1. Ahlus Sunnnah Wal Jama agreed on the points aqidah. There are no differences and even disputes their diantaara different time and place.
Syeikhul said Islam Abul Mansur bin Muhammad Al Muzhoffar-Sam'any may Allaah have mercy: "And the most obvious case that shows that the Ahl al-haq Ahlul hadeeth, that is true if you are reviewing or considering all the books they wrote, then or now, even though vary their country and its distance away and live in different countries, then you find them in explaining aqidah on one way and the same street, they walk on the road and not turn away from him and none of their remarks menyelisihi , in that none of them, they penukilan one, you will not find on their differences and divisions at all even if you got all that out of their oral and oral-quotation-quotation you get them from their predecessors as if it came from above one heart and one oral. So if the truth is there is a clearer proposition from him.
Allah says (in Sura An-Nisa 'verse 82):

أفلا يتدبرون القرءان ولو كان من عند غير الله لوجدوا فيه اختلافا كثيرا
"Do they not consider the Qur'an? If it seems that the Qur'an is not from Allah, they would have found therein much contradiction. "

And the word of God (in Sura Ali 'Imran, verse 103):

واعتصموا بحبل الله جميعا ولا تفرقوا واذكروا نعمة الله عليكم إذ كنتم أعداء فألف بين قلوبكم فأصبحتم بنعمته إخوانا وكنتم على شفا حفرة من النار فأنقذكم منها كذلك يبين الله لكم ءاياته لعلكم تهتدون
"And hold fast to the rope all of you (religion) of Allah, and do not divorce disarray, and remember to ni` mat Allah unto you when you first (the pagans) hostile enemies, God unites hearts, then you menjadilah because ni `mat Allah those who are brothers, and you have been teetering on the edge of hell, then God save you from it. Thus God explains His revelations unto you, that ye may be guided. "

Now if you look at the Ahlul ahwa BIDA wal `', then you see their divorce disarray, odds within the groups and parties. You almost do not find two of them on one street in his conviction, membid'ahkan between one another, even mengkafirkan, children mengkafirkan father, someone mengkafirkan relatives, neighbors mengkafirkan neighbors. You find that they were most prominent in the dispute, hatred and differences, they spent their age while the sentence was never agreed. As word of God (Sura Al-Hasyr in paragraph 14):

لا يقاتلونكم جميعا إلا في قرى محصنة أو من وراء جدر بأسهم بينهم شديد تحسبهم جميعا وقلوبهم شتى ذلك بأنهم قوم لا يعقلون
"They will not fight you in the united state, except in the fortified villages or from behind walls. Hostility among them is very great. You think they were united when they were carefully broken to pieces. That is because they are a people who have no sense ".

then he gave some examples and then he said: "And if the above theorem that there kebatilan more clear than this case. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

إن الذين فرقوا دينهم وكانوا شيعا لست منهم في شيء إنما أمرهم إلى الله ثم ينبئهم بما كانوا يفعلون
"Verily those who split up their religion and their (fragmented) into several classes, not an iota of responsibility towards them. Surely none of their business is (up) to Allah, and Allah will inform them what they do". ( QS. Al-An'am: 159)

(See: Al-Hadith Intishor Ahlil li, through Shaunul Mantiq pp. 165-170, Al-Al-Bayani Hujjah FII Mahajjah 2/222-230, Ash-Showa'iq Mukhtashor pp. 496-498).

2. Among the most obvious characteristics that distinguish between the Ahlus Sunnnah Wal wal Jama `a Ahl furqoh heresy is the essence of the name and penyandaran. Ahlus Sunnnah Wal Jama `at every penamaannya; Salafiyun, Ath-Thoifah Al-Manshurah, Al-An-Najiyah Firqoh and Ahlul Hadeeth, everything is back to the Sunnah and Jama` a portrayal of Islam is essential. As for Ahl Al wal furqoh heresy, penyandarkan themselves sometimes to someone from the Ahlul led astray by heresy or as Jahmiyah, Kullabiyah, Maturidiyah, Tabligh Jama, the Muslim Brotherhood, Sururiyah, Quthbiyah. And sometimes they like to the basic error Qodariyah, Jabariyah and Murji `ah. And sometimes the shape and nature of their error like Rofidhoh, Shufiyah, Falasifah, Bathiniyah, Mu'tazilite and Musyabbihah.

Al-Maqdisy said: "And all who gave the name other than Islam and the Ahl al-Sunna is a heresy as Rafidhah (Shiite), Jahmiyah, Khawarij, Murji` ah, Mu'tazilite, Karramiyah, Kullabiyah, and who like them. This is heretical groups and clusters of heresy. May Allah protect us from it. " (See Al-I'tiqod Lum'ah pp. 124)

And in general the naming of Ahlus Sunnnah different Wal Jama Ahlul heretic naming wal furqoh from several sides:

A: Naming the naming of Ahlus Sunnnah Wal-Jama is the ratio of the early generations of Muslims residing in the guidance of the Prophet shollallahu 'alaihi wa' ala alihi wa sallam, then the naming will cover the entire ummah at each age in accordance with the road that runs next generation initial well in taking science or in understanding or in the preaching and others.

Two: The content of the naming-naming the show is just a pure Islamic guidance of Al-Qur `an and Sunnah Rasulullah shollallahu 'alaihi wa' ala wa sallam alihi without any addition or reduction whatsoever.

Three: Naming naming-naming is the origin of the Shari'a which has the proposition of sunna Prophet shollallahu 'alaihi wa' ala alihi wa sallam.

Four: The naming-naming it simply appears to distinguish between truth and followers of imitators passions and heretical groups, and as a rebuttal against heresy and their error.

Lima: Institute of Wala '(loyalty) and baro' (resentment, hostility) for people who are named by naming it, is only binding in progress' and baro 'above Islam (Al-Qur `an and Sunnah) is not a bond of Wala' and baro 'as a character, leaders, groups, organizations and others.

Six: There is no fanaticism for people who use the naming-naming of these except the Messenger of shollallahu 'alaihi wa' ala wa sallam alihi as leaders and role models they are only one, which shollallahu Rasulullah 'alaihi wa' ala alihi wa sallam, in contrast to those those who attribute themselves to the naming-naming of heresy fanatismenya for class, group or leader.

Seven: The naming-naming is not at all be plunged into a heresy, sinners and fanaticism to a person or group and others.

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